Faced a strange issue from last few weeks that internet and Network access suddenly stopped working in some systems
Resolution: Finally we uninstall Symantec Endpoint protection and it started working fine and then re-install back and its working fine now.
Reference: http://www.online-tech-tips.com/windows-7/windows-7-cannot-connect-to-internet/
Faced a strange issue from
last few weeks that internet and Network access suddenly stopped working in
some systems windows 7 (specially Optiplex 780 ).
Error Message: If you run "troubleshooter" will tell you "The Wired Network adapter experiencing some problems"
Troubleshooting done till now
1. like
disabling/enabling/reinstalling drivers
2. Updating the Network drivers in Compatible mode
3. Tried some commands on
command prompt like netsh to make it work but no success.
4. Changing network
5. 5. Resetting TCP/IP stack
6. Restarting DHCP , DNS services
7. Disabling Anti Virus
7. Under Device Manager>Show hidden devices>Uninstalled Antivirus driver >windows firewall driver
8 8 Created on "Envoirement Variable" with something like below to show un hide drivers which are installed sometime but not connected >Un-install those drivers as well but no success
Resolution: Finally we uninstall Symantec Endpoint protection and it started working fine and then re-install back and its working fine now.
Reference: http://www.online-tech-tips.com/windows-7/windows-7-cannot-connect-to-internet/
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