Creating Chrome extension package in SCCM 2012
Last month I was asked to create an SCCM package for chrome extension - 'RingDNA' (Intelligent dialer for salesforce) . Well , at first place , it looks stupid, creating an package for chrome ext. which is just one click away installing from chrome web store, anyways , I still gave a try.
1. First of all, I
downloaded the .crx file using this Chrome Extension down loader -
2. In the Registry, I
created a new key under the Extensions key with the same name
as the ID of your extension. If you don't know the ID, follow these steps to
note the ID-
a) Install the required extension manually
b) Open settings from chrome menu bar> click on Extensions>
enable developer mode
from top right corner, will
show the IDs for all installed extensions.
c) Alternate way, open C:\Users\<currentuser>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User
Data\Default\Extensions , will create a folder with same name as ID of your extension
3. I created a .reg file
with following keys.
Windows Registry Editor
Version 5.00
Now, you'll be wondering,
why I had to create 'Extensions' key
in first line because it wasn't created
default in registry, ideally it should create automatically at the time of
chrome installation, that's why I had to create this key first, followed
by a new key under the Extensions key with the same name
as the ID of 'RingDNA' and in the extensions key , then created a
property, "update_url"=""
(this points to your extension's crx in
the Chrome Web Store)
4. Now create a package in sccm using
above .reg file.
3. Click install, Click on
Yes, it’ll install in the background.
4. After a while, re-open
5. A pop up will prompt on
the upper right corner and will stay there for a while, click on Enable extension
before it fade away.
6. Extension icon should
display on upper right corner will clear that extension has been added
What kind of package are you creating in SCCM with the reg file?