SCCM Non-Client Troubleshooting Steps
Sometimes the most challenging part of the Configuration Manager 2007 can
be ensuring that the client successfully reports to the site server. This
document will describe step by step instructions to troubleshoot Non-Client
There are various reasons why a client may not be able to report to even if
the SCCM agent is installed on a machine. A few of these reasons with
troubleshooting are discussed below:
1. The first thing to check is whether the client
is on the network, and if it’s not on the network, does the system even
exist? It’s possible that represents a stale record from AD.
2. Systems NOT on the network: If the system is not actually on the
network, check if it is shutdown, and if so if it’s been shut down for long
time. If yes then first restart the system and then initiate the
discovery cycle from the control panel agent properties action TAB.
3. Stale Entries: When you use AD discovery, the DDRs (Data Discovery
Records) are created for the computers that reside in the AD container that we
have requested to be queried by the discovery process. If that container has
the stale records for the resources, then client records may be created for
systems that don’t actually exist, thus they will never report.
There is a Maintenance task that will clear the inactive records but if the
discovery process runs again and the AD container still has these entries then
they will simply show up again.
Resolution: For the stale records you need to make sure that the AD container is
cleared of these stale records and scavenging is done for the computers
container in AD regularly. Once this is done you can either make use of the maintenance
task or you can create a collection for the NON SMS CLIENTS and then do a
delete special to the collection so that the entries will be removed
permanently from the SMS\SCCM database. Then a discovery can be run which will
bring back only the active systems in the collection.
4. Repair Client:
RepairClient([String] $strComputer)
$SMSCli = [wmiclass] "\\$strComputer\root\ccm:sms_client"
$SMSCli = [wmiclass] "\\$strComputer\root\ccm:sms_client"
PowerShell, paste this function at the prompt (you may have to hit return once
or twice to get back to your command prompt), and as long as you're in this
PowerShell session, you can run the command as follows:
RepairClient COMPTUER1
(where COMPUTER1 is the remote computer to repair).
RepairClient COMPTUER1
(where COMPUTER1 is the remote computer to repair).
5. Uninstalling >
Re-installing the Client:
Steps to do that:
1. Log in to the computer
2. Open run window and run “C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.exe
/uninstall” command
to uninstall
the client.
3. Open ccmsetup.log from C:\Windows\ccmsetup
and check
the logs
till you
find the entry shown in figure
4. Reboot the system.
5. Run the command C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.exe from run window and check the logs
till you find this “Installation Succeeded” Entry in the logs.
6. If you received the error in the
ccmsetup.log while installing or uninstalling the client as shown below
MSI: Setup failed due to unexpected circumstances
The error code is 80004005 ccmsetup
Installation failed with error code 1603 ccmsetup
Next retry in 120 minute(s)...
The error code is 80004005 ccmsetup
Installation failed with error code 1603 ccmsetup
Next retry in 120 minute(s)...
Or same logs in the Client.msi log file
What this is
basically telling you is that WMI is out to lunch and has been reported as
AWOL. To resolve these log file issues you must delete or rename the machines
WMI Repository and allow it to recreate itself.
Follow the steps below to accomplish this:
1 Stop the "Windows Management Instrumentation" service while stopping it will prompt to stop other services as shown below > Click yes
Follow the steps below to accomplish this:
1 Stop the "Windows Management Instrumentation" service while stopping it will prompt to stop other services as shown below > Click yes
2. Rename
the %WinDir%\System32\Wbem\Repository folder to ”Oldrepository”.
3. Restart the “Windows
Management Instrumentation service” and all the services mentioned above in the
4. Verify
that the %WinDir%\System32\Wbem\Repository folder has been recreated.
5. Reboot
the System
6. Follow
the steps described in step 5(Uninstalling > Re-installing
the Client :))
all over again and Client will start reporting to SCCM server.
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