
Showing posts from August, 2015

How to Enable Multiple Concurrent User in Remote Desktop Windows 7

Links: 1. 2.

MP has rejected registration request due to failure in client certificate

Issue:- We have System Center Configuration Manager 2012 R2 deployed on Windows Server 2008R2 host. Recently we have moved our Certification Authority to Windows Server 2012 , renewed Root CA Certificate and intermediate Certificates also migrated Hashing algorithm from 'sha1' to 'sha2'  . New Root CA and intermediate CA also present on client machines and on SCCM. However, i have discovered these errors on MP: MP has rejected registration request due to failure in client certificate (Subject Name: ) chain validation. If this is a valid client ,  Even though Newly imaged machines are getting SCCM client installed but won't see all the client cycle under 'Actions tab' and also  'client certificate shows "None".  The operating system reported error 2148204809: A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider.  Solution:- Register  new Certificate of Root CA    under SCCM20...

The task sequence cannot be run because the program files cannot be located

When starting deployment on Site servers deployment fails with the following error:  Failed to run Task sequence . The task sequence cannot be run because the program files for ******** cannot be located on a distribution point. For more Information, contact your System Administrator or Helpdesk Operator. Check following steps to troubleshoot the issue: -Check if boundary groups are connected to site servers and boundaries are set -Redistribute and Validate the ConfigMgr client package on multiple site servers (multiple times) -Check if VLAN communication is working on security, firewall and access control list The following errors are seen in SMSTS.log -Content location request for PR100003:3 failed. (Code 0x80040102) -Failed to resolve PackageID=<?> -Failed to resolve selected task sequence dependencies. Code(0x80040102) -ThreadToResolveandExecuteTaskSequence failed. Code(0x80040102) Reference  :

How to Issue A certificate in Certificate Authority server?

How to Issue A certificate in Certificate Authority server? 1) Start MMC Tool Click Start -> Run -> Entry MMC and click 'OK' 2) Click File -> Add/Remove SnapIn... 3) Add Certificate Authority Select 'Certificates Authority' in left panel and click 'Add' to move to right panel , Then Click 'OK' 4) Click Next 5) Issue The Certificate A. Expand 'Certification Authority' Node; B. Expend 'DBM-CA' C, Click 'Pending Requests' B. In right panel, Right click Request ID -> Issue. 6) Done Now you can Install certificate from http://*.*.*.*/certsrv