Faced a strange issue from last few weeks that internet and Network access suddenly stopped working in some systems


Faced a strange issue from last few weeks that internet and Network access suddenly stopped working in some systems windows 7  (specially Optiplex 780 ).
Error Message:  If you run "troubleshooter" will tell you "The Wired Network adapter experiencing some problems"

Troubleshooting done till now  
·         1. like disabling/enabling/reinstalling drivers
·         2. Updating  the Network drivers in Compatible mode
·         3. Tried some commands on command prompt like netsh to make it work but no success.
·         4. Changing network cable/port.
5.   5. Resetting TCP/IP stack
      6. Restarting DHCP , DNS services
      7. Disabling Anti Virus
      7. Under Device Manager>Show hidden devices>Uninstalled Antivirus driver >windows firewall driver
8    8  Created on "Envoirement Variable" with something like below to show un hide drivers which are installed sometime but not connected >Un-install those drivers as well but no success

Resolution:  Finally we uninstall Symantec Endpoint protection and it started working fine  and then re-install back and its working fine now.

Reference:  http://www.online-tech-tips.com/windows-7/windows-7-cannot-connect-to-internet/


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