
Showing posts from February, 2013

Software Updates Installation Progress dialog box stuck on Downloading

Issue : Software Updates Installation Progress dialog box stuck on Downloading with no progress at all for over a day. Error Message:     Install Software Updates " Downloading 11 0f 12 updates (83%)" Resolution:   Check the smsts.log and found these entries....  Troubleshooting done so far................ 1) At the "Setup Windows and ConfigMgr" step in TS , tried adding  the following to the "Installaion properties" SMSSLP= CM Server  SMSMP= CM Server   , but did not work  2) So finally , Re-downloaded all the approved software updates and it started working fine. References   : 1. 2.  3.

Powershell Script to check if any server is pending for reboot

After the security patch, we need to validate if any of our critical server is pending for reboot and take necessary actions. PowerShell script and use it to identify servers that are pending for reboot.This will avoid the scenarios of unexpected server reboot.   # Filename:  CheckForPendingReboot.ps1 # Description: Imports a list of computers from a text file and then checks each of the #    computers for the RebootPending registry key. If the key is present, #    the script restarts the computer upon confirmation from the user. # Assumes the existence of a file called 'Servers.txt' in the same directory, populated with # the NETBIOS names of a list of computers, each on a new line.     $computernames = gc Servers.txt  foreach ($computername in $computernames)  {  $baseKey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey("LocalMachine",$computername)  $key = $baseKey.OpenSubKey("Software\Mic...